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          灯台波形 | 船舶建造ソリューション

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  • 日本の造船会社のための戦略
11月 12, 2024

For November 2024, we’re introducing enhancements aimed at improving flexibility, integration, and everyday workflows in shipbuilding. Key updates in ShipConstructor 2025 R2 and ShipbuildingPLM include ways to work more flexibly with BOMs, improved ShipbuildingPLM integration for accessory package data handling, expanded dynamic labeling for production, streamlined WorkShare transfers, and new model comparison capabilities.

User management also sees upgrades for enhanced role control, and surface area calculation features have been added for comprehensive reporting. Additional updates include read-only project navigation, Power BI report enhancements, and streamlined SSI training access, all working to simplify the digital transformation at your organization.

Join the SSI team on November 27th at 7:30 am PST (10:30am EST, 4:30 pm CET) for a webinar first look at all the improvements now available in ShipConstructor 2025 R2 and ShipbuildingPLM.

Register Now

What’s New

Model Space Allocations for use with conduit and penetrations

In this release, we have incorporated more space allocations modeling and routing improvements with the additional support for more shapes suitable for use with conduit and penetrations.

This development provides a framework to drive electrical penetrations and conduit in ShipConstructor models and production output.

Work more flexibly with BOMs

Improved Show Part Properties dialog

The Show Parts Properties dialog has been modernized and rebranded as the BOM Part Viewer (SCBOMPARTVIEWER) to better reflect the functionality of this feature, providing better filtering, sorting, and general usability when managing BOM parts in production and model drawings.

This functionality is now available as part of the core ShipConstructor interface.

Detailed BOM Part Viewer Features:

  • A refresh button updates all data on the grid.
  • The SCBOMPARTVIEWER command can be launched from the Tools panel of the SC Utilities ribbon.
  • A drop-down list of relevant BOM names, searchable and sorted alphabetically.
  • Upon BOM selection, populates a grid of columns based on the BOM collector.
  • Allows columns to be selected or hidden, and remembers that state for that BOM.
  • Allows column widths to be adjusted, and remembers that state for that column for that BOM.
  • Auto-loads the last BOM that was selected when the viewer is opened.
  • Includes a right-click context menu for rows in the grid, including Zoom to Part, PartView, and copy (to copy row content to the Windows clipboard).

Use accessory packages in ShipbuildingPLM

In this release, it’s now easy to add ShipConstructor accessory and accessory package data from piping connections to ShipbuildingPLM.

Furthermore, by taking advantage of the connections between pipe spools and the accessories associated to them in ShipConstructor, it’s possible to generate a complete BOM directly in ShipbuildingPLM.

New Production Capabilities

Additional labeling features and production automation

In our ongoing response to customer feedback, we added more properties for labels on Electrical, Space Allocations, Standard Assemblies, and Weld, added the 3D viewpoint command to the Hull ribbon, and further improved options for placing and configuring orientation icons.

Detailed Improvements to Production Annotations include:

  • Added new Dynamic Property Definition Fields used by Property Labels for Electrical part types, including: Accessory Package, Compartments, Location X, Y, Z, Drawing, Stock Type.
  • Added new Dynamic Property Definition Fields used by Property Labels for Space Allocations, including: Compartments, Volume, Surface Area, Rotation, Profile Width & Height & Corner Radius, Start & End Points, End 1 & 2 Width & Height, Offset, Inside Radius, Centerline Radius, End Point 1 to 4 X, Y, Z, Branch and Trunk Profile Width & Height & Corner Radius, End 1 & 2 Space Allocation Name, Length Between Ends.
  • Added new Dynamic Property Definition Fields used by Property Labels for Standard Assembly, including: Assembly Name, Compartments, Number of Parts, Purchased Status, Standard Name, Standard Type.
  • Added new Dynamic Property Definition Fields used by Property Labels for Weld, including: Compartments, Pinned, Weld User Defined, Weld Validity, Minimum thickness.

Simplify Sister Ship Workflows

Streamlined WorkShare Transfer retry

Now easily repeat the WorkShare Transfer operation in the situations where it’s needed. Simply save Transfer Configuration into a file, and re-use it with the new WORKSHARETRANSFERFILE command.

This improvement streamlines the process of synchronizing projects, which may be the same hull at two different sites or separate hulls in a series or class.

Compare any two models in ShipExplorer

ShipExplorer is now capable of comparing any two models from the Selection Tree. 

You can quickly and easily compare models of the assemblies, blocks, and other models that are available from ShipbuildingPLM, ShipConstructor, or a local file system, and review the differences with the full capabilities of ShipExplorer.

More Project Control

Manage and control user permissions

Across large organizations with many designers, engineers, and projects, managing database access roles for users can be time consuming. The new experience allows for group editing, easy filtering, sorting, and grouping of users, and the ability to export, import, or copy the roles of users across projects.

Additionally, to bolster project database safety and security, all changes are tracked in revisions, regular project users are granted with restricted database accesses, and an administrator can require users to change their password at next login.

Simplify Working with Paint, Coatings, and Insulation

Calculate and report on the surface area of objects within compartments

Surface treatments such as paint, deck and tank coatings, and structural insulation are very important to the long-term integrity and safe operation of vessels. Accurate calculations and tracking of areas of a ship to be painted, coated or insulated are challenging for shipbuilders to calculate, track, or iterate on.

Now, easily calculate the surface area of equipment and include it in a surface area calculation report for use downstream. Surface area estimation within one or more compartments can now include Structure, Pipe, HVAC and Equipment. Load Manager allows the loading of only specific parts based on the user-selected criteria.

Additional Enhancements

View the project in read-only

When requiring Tasks, you may now select an integrated read-only task, which allows for the navigation of the project with blocked permissions.

This allows anyone with access to the project to explore it, regardless of their discipline or, and without the need for an active task to be manually assigned to that user.

Project Insights Reports improvements

Updated Power BI Reports to improve differentiation from MIM Reports. Available on SSI Nexus.

Navigate to ShipbuildingPLM revisions directly from ShipExplorer

See the assemblies, blocks, and other objects which contain NWD files that are available in ShipbuildingPLM, and review them with the full capabilities of ShipExplorer.

Streamlined Training Support

We’ve made it easier to get started with SSI Nexus and SSI training. There are new step-by-step instructions available on our website and through the SSI Desktop App.

Register for the Webinar

Register for the webinar below to watch it live or recorded and see these new features and improvements in action. There’s no better way to experience what’s new for this release.

System Requirements

Supported Client Operating SystemsWindows 10, 11 (64-bit)
Supported Server Operating SystemsWindows Server 2022, 2019, 2016
.Net Framework.NET Framework 4.8.2 (installed automatically)
SQL ServersMS SQL Server 2022, 2019. SQL Server 2022 Express is included with the installer. Note: Express editions are suitable for projects with 5 or fewer users only.
SQL Enterprise 2019+ for WorkShare Teams
Supported AutoCAD Platforms2024, 2023
AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical,
AutoCAD Plant3D (for ShipConstructor P&ID Design Validation functionality of Pipe)
Supported Navisworks Versions2024, 2023
Navisworks Simulate, Navisworks Manage
Side-by-side Installation CompatibilityShipConstructor 2025 can be installed side-by-side with any previous major ShipConstructor version; each installed version of ShipConstructor requires its own dedicated instance of AutoCAD.

SSI Installation Guide

Access the latest ShipConstructor manual on SSI Nexus for detailed installation instructions and system requirements for this release.

Download Information

To download this release, visit the downloads section of SSI Nexus. There, you can get access to all the latest SSI releases.

Purchasing Information

For information on this release, to purchase the software, or to renew your Subscription contact an SSI Representative.