Get access to the detailed training exercises, materials, courses, and certifications that will help you progress. SSI Certified Training on Nexus is the only place to get certified, self-directed, SSI training. The self-directed curriculum ensures that training happens where and when you need it most. If you want to learn ShipConstructor, this is where to get started.
I’m an expert and proficient with many different CAD software platforms and have taken numerous online courses before. That said, I can confidently say that the ShipConstructor course is by far the best with its well laid out lessons and instructions.
Bill Bailey – Certified ShipConstructor User
SSI Certified Training for Organizations

See how establishing a well-defined training program that incorporated SSI Certified Training and directly addressed shipbuilding specific challenges helped Genoa Design International achieve:
- Massive company growth.
- Success in remote onboarding.
- Shorter times to proficiency.
- Industry-leading training.
- PDFs and videos for ShipConstructor & EnterprisePlatform software.
- Hull and Structure & Outfitting Course classes.
- Latest Version of ShipConstructor software.
- Realistic Training Project of a ship to work in. (Note: All SSI training is hands-on!)
- Ability to earn certificates for every class completed.
- The opportunity to advance your productivity, skills and career.
- AutoCAD
- AutoCAD Mechanical
- AutoCAD Plant
- Navisworks
- Inventor
Project Zero

ShipConstructor Project Zeroは、2Dの線画から3Dモデリングプロセスへの工程を紹介する、ナレーションビデオ付きPDFレッスン集です。途中まで進んでいるプロジェクトではなく、ゼロから新しいプロジェクトを始められます。
Project Zeroのさらに詳しい内容はこちらGetting Started
- Access the SSI Learning Downloads on Nexus.
- Read and follow the instructions in the ShipConstructor Essentials PDF to Install and set up ShipConstructor correctly and deploy the training project so you can start using it.
- Work through the ShipConstructor Essentials PDF cover to cover, then check your work with the Verifier program. If your work is correct, you’ll be issued your first certificate. If not, you’ll be able to go back and fix any issues, then re-check with the Verifier as often as you need to. This class is a prerequisite to all our other classes, so once you’re done, you can choose which class to do next.