Shipbuilding has always been driven by the requirements of whoever has commissioned the vessel. As vessel lifespans continue to increase, and the requirements of vessels are changing, the importance of getting those requirements right from the start becomes increasingly more important.
Denis Morais, SSI CEO
If there is something that will change our customers’ needs, we need to be aware of it.
Any changes to requirements will trickle down and impact shipbuilding. Either from the outset, as new types of ships are required, or down the line, as ships are continuously upgraded or repaired. For shipbuilding executives, understanding what those changes will be, and how they can affect a shipbuilding in the future will be key to staying ahead of the curve.
For shipbuilding executives, understanding what ship owners will be requesting going forward and how they can affect shipbuilding in the future will be key to staying ahead of the curve.
The question this eBook aims to answer is: How will the latest technologies impact both shipowners and shipbuilders?
Author: Denis Morais
Denis Morais, SSI’s CEO, has been internationally recognized for his published blogs, articles and papers and continues to provide insights on innovative solutions for the marine industry. He has worked hand in hand with industry partners and SSI’s clients around the world to solve their most difficult business and technological challenges. This depth of understanding of both the current and future state of technology and the business of shipbuilding serve Denis well as he leads SSI towards the delivery of innovative products and services.