Many outside of shipbuilding fail to understand that it is an industry unlike any other. The challenges shipbuilders face are often only grasped by those in our industry and can only be addressed by shipbuilding-specific solutions.
SSI has been in the industry for over 30 years and understands the unique challenges faced by shipbuilders. We provide industry-specific software, solutions and expertise to empower you and shipbuilders across the globe.
Achieve a Quick ROI
Shipbuilders aim to see ROI on the current project, or even the current block about to be cut, unlike in other industries, where businesses are willing to look at returns months or years down the road.
The challenge is to use the best available tools, but without lengthy implementation or adjustment periods. SSI can get you set up quickly with sliced or tandem implementations, and integrate with your existing tools thanks to our open-platform solutions.
Integrate, Collaborate, Re-use
Shipyards rely on creating and managing data. In shipbuilding, data at such a massive scale cannot fit into a generic single monolithic software system. Data gets stuck in silos, or lost between departments and projects.
SSI’s Open Shipbuilding Platform gives you a future-proof source of truth for your shipbuilding projects. Guaranteeing that all the systems in your organization can share data from any source.
Change Management
Changes account for 46% of schedule slips. Getting change management right is one of the most important challenges for every shipbuilder. Managing change effectively across the entire organization is a massive business edge.
SSI’s open platform of platforms approach gives affected departments visibility on changes made, an understanding of their impact, and the right information at the right time to be able to act.
Adapt and Innovate
Shipyards that don’t adapt and innovate are at an immense disadvantage in the global shipbuilding industry. It is essential that shipbuilders be aware of the changes new technologies available to them in order to stay ahead of the competition.
SSI is constantly working to improve the tools that empower shipbuilders, and partners with a number of leading-edge companies and technologies to ensure SSI-integrated shipyards are able to take every advantage.
Shipbuilding is a global industry with projects that span continents. SSI’s shipbuilding solutions allow for virtualized shipbuilding environments that fit a globalized workforce, enhance security, streamline IT, and simplify costs.
3D Scanning
Minimize the time and cost of maintenance and refit by using 3D scanning in your repair workflow.
Changing from Another Solution
Generic or monolithic software systems are often unable to adapt to the unique challenges and requirements of shipbuilding. Not only can it be difficult to find a shipbuilding-specific solution, but changing to a new system often requires complete replacement and extended implementation time.
SSI makes it easy to switch to its shipbuilding-specific platform, and its open platform of platform approach allows you to implement in part or in tandem with your existing systems, without losing data.