Authored by Denis Morais, SSI’s co-CEO, these eBooks offer an in-depth view into some of shipbuilding’s most pressing challenges. The knowledge gained from working hand in hand with industry partners and SSI clients around the world to solve their most difficult business and technological challenges has been channeled directly into the findings on these pages.
He has been internationally recognized for his published blogs, articles and papers and continues to provide insights on innovative solutions for the marine industry. This depth of understanding of both the current and future state of technology and the business of shipbuilding serve Denis well as he leads SSI towards the delivery of innovative products and services.

Top 5 Shipbuilding Technology Trends
Stay ahead of the technology curve
As shipbuilding evolves and projects become even more complex, having the right technology ecosystem will play an even bigger role in answering those questions. This report summarizes the top 5 trends shipbuilders are experiencing in terms of the technology, platforms, and innovations in place at their yards.
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Getting Information to the Waterfront: The Digital Shipbuilding Playbook
Introduction Information is at the heart of the digital shipyard, but ensuring that information is available across your organization is a challenge. Throughout this playbook, you’ll find actionable strategies and best practices for your shipyard when it comes to getting information to the waterfront. You’ll find strategies to: Today’s innovations require digital data to be […]
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Shipbuilding After Covid-19
Industry Report
2020 was a transformational year for almost every industry, and shipbuilding is no different. Now, as shipbuilders across the world adjust to a new reality, those who are ready to embrace technology will emerge in a position to take advantage. Those who are only starting their digital transformations will have to accelerate their digital transformations […]
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Collaboration Across Shipbuilding
A look at both inter and intra-organizational collaboration
The covid-19 pandemic has forced shipbuilding organizations across the industry to consider how they approach communication and collaboration. Most of the focus has been on sharing ideas and information within our organizations, but for decades, the importance of collaborating across the industry and organizations has been neglected. The US NSRP (National Shipbuilding Research Program) is […]
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2021 Top Shipbuilding Technology Insights
Key Takeaways for Shipbuilding Executives
Shipbuilding is constantly evolving. Projects are getting more complex, new technologies that claim to revolutionize how we build ships are emerging, and ‘Shipyard 4.0’ is seen as the gold standard. With so much change, shipbuilding leaders need to know what investments will result in the greatest ROI. Read on to see the state of shipbuilding innovation for 2021 and the key areas shipbuilding leaders must make a priority.
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Shipbuilding and the Future of MRO
Shipbuilding is transforming at a pace few imagined even 10 years ago. Even more accurately, for many shipbuilders, how they approach their business is changing as a whole. One area many are looking towards is MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations/Overhaul). Understanding how MRO fits into a shipbuilding organization, what the pros and cons of implementing an MRO strategy, and who will be driving the change are key things to pin down before getting started.
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Strategies for Shipbuilding Success
There is no single secret to success in the shipbuilding industry. However, there are some universal truths. In this eBook, SSI’s co-CEO Denis Morais outlines five key areas that forward-thinking shipbuilders need to focus on to see long-term shipbuilding success. including: the unique aspects of shipbuilding, managing change, control of data, open architecture, and seeing benefits from day 1.
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The Impact of Operational Excellence on Shipbuilding
Shipbuilding has always been driven by the requirements of whoever has commissioned the vessel. As vessel lifespans continue to increase, and the requirements of vessels are changing, the importance of getting those requirements right from the start becomes increasingly more important.
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The Future of Shipbuilding Design Processes
During basic and detail design there are so many people involved in different roles, each of whom is responsible for a specific aspect of the ship. Going forward, each of these roles will need to work with more information and data.
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Shipbuilding Manufacturing Going Forward
Shipbuilding is unique from any other manufacturing industry, even compared to other industries that also build big things. In no other industry do so many individual parts and components need to be created from scratch. And even within a series of ships, there may only be a handful of identical sequences.
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