The SSI Client Champions channel is a small group of elite ShipConstructor users and industry experts who provide advice in return for certain benefits.
Benefits to Members
- Ability to influence the future development of SSI software. (Your feedback will be a key to prioritizing SSI projects)
- Free Champions License: All SSI Products, including ShipConstructor and EnterprisePlatform (excluding ShipbuildingPLM).
- Free Admission to any SSI World Conference.
- A first look at future product builds of SSI products not yet released to the public.
- A badge in SSI Nexus identifying you as part of the SSI Expert Elite group.
- Exclusive communication with all other SSI Client Champions to resolve common challenges.
Commitment & Requirements: Approx. 3 hours per month.
- Be available for MS Teams meetings with SSI Product Development team and other Client Champion Members
- Be an active participant in the SSI Nexus community discussions.
- Be an active participant in the Client Champions MS Teams channel.
- Answer at least 50% of the posts from the SSI Product Development team and other Client Champions. (These can be questions about a workflow/ process or ideas about software improvements.)
- Prioritize and vote for a set of features/ issues/ product areas.
- Test features, products, and prototypes.
- The majority of these will not require downloading any software. They will be done virtually, with all the setup and installation handled by SSI.
- Do not publicize the details of your membership in the Client Champions. (though you may nominate other members)
- Must be a current member of SSI Nexus.
- Must have a current license with subscription.