Many of us have experienced disruption to our everyday lives in 2020. For naval architecture students around the world, this has been no different. Abraham Noel, a final year Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering Bachelor student at Amet University in Chennai, India, has been taking this time to establish himself as a new breed of Naval Architect by getting certified training.
The best naval architecture students understand the challenges shipbuilders face when it comes to ramping up and down to meet orderbook demands and project milestones. When they can have confidence that a new hire is already up-to-speed and ready to add value from day one, it is a huge business advantage.
Noel first found out about ShipConstructor in the second year of his program last year. When the opportunity arose this year for his classmates and him to participate in the training program, they jumped at the chance. “A bunch of my classmates and myself took up the training course, and I happened to like it a lot,” recounted Noel, “I really liked how the software is built and was able to grasp it very quickly.”
Having completed all 14 of the Hull & Structure Professional and Hull & Structure Specialist ShipConstructor certifications on SSI Learning, Noel went on to complete the Project Zero introductory course. “Project Zero was also very helpful,” said Noel. “The thing that really got me interested in the software is that I was able to look very closely at almost all of the intricate drawings that Naval architects make and also get a hands-on experience of the procedures involved in making them,” he continued.
“It was great to see Abraham embrace all of the certified ShipConstructor training we have available, said Josh Hawthorne, the Training Coordinator at SSI, “It’s clear he’s dedicated to honing his skills and making sure he’s proficient and ready to get started on any future project.”
Join the Ranks
We wish Noel the best as he works towards a career in shipbuilding and ship design as a vanguard for this new, well-equipped breed of naval architect. If you’re currently pursuing a career in shipbuilding or naval architecture and want to establish yourself as certified and ready to get started on any project, make sure to check out SSI Learning and contact us if you’d like to establish a training program within your university.