KROMAV Engeharia, one of Brazil’s largest marine engineering firms, has chosen ShipConstructor’s AutoCAD-based CAD/CAM software for use on shipbuilding and offshore projects.
KROMAV Engeharia, one of Brazil’s largest marine engineering firms, has chosen ShipConstructor’s AutoCAD-based CAD/CAM software for use on shipbuilding and offshore projects.
“ShipConstructor will be an important tool,” said Ricardo Vahia, Director of KROMAV. “Based on our expectations for future market demand and success to be achieved with the software, we are currently acquiring hardware that will allow us to expand to 30 Universal Licenses.”
Worldwide, organizations of the size and stature of KROMAV are increasingly choosing ShipConstructor CAD/CAM software. In Brazil, as in other markets, the integration of ShipConstructor with the already familiar Autodesk suite provides a core workforce that can easily adapt to the enhanced benefits ShipConstructor provides.
“The long and steep learning curve of competing software is not viable when the workforce is still developing as in the rapidly expanding Brazilian market,” said ShipConstructor’s Deputy CEO, Darren Larkins. “KROMAV has recognized that there will be a continuing demand for skilled labor and that ShipConstructor will be a leading tool in the Brazilian market. KROMAV is wisely taking steps to meet that demand.”
ShipConstructor’s local representative, Sincronia, will start training KROMAV staff in July with the expectation that staff will be proficient and productive within 3 to 4 weeks.