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          灯台波形 | 船舶建造ソリューション

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11月 2, 2023
造船SSI ニュース

Victoria, Canada, 2 November 2023. SSI, the leader in software, services and expertise for the business of shipbuilding, will supply its ShipConstructor design and modelling solution to Tasmania’s Incat shipyard.

The system has been selected by Incat to support structural modelling for two hull modules of Hull 096, a 130m battery-electric Ro-Pax catamaran under construction for Buquebus of Uruguay.

Incat and its partner Revolution Design chose SSI’s ShipConstructor system, the SSI design and engineering solution, to deliver specific benefits for this complex project, including centralised data management, automation and standardisation of design outputs, 3D visualisation on the shop floor and improved materials tracking. 

The project also includes delivery of a digital twin, created from data held within ShipConstructor, to facilitate a clear overview of vessel configuration, supporting efficient operations and lifecycle maintenance. 

Hull 096 will be the world’s largest 100% battery-electric ferry, featuring an energy storage system of 40MWh, four times larger than any previous marine battery installation. The batteries power a series of electric motors which drive the water jet propulsion system. The electrical system integration is by Wärtsilä and ESS by Corvus Energy.

Incat is adopting ShipConstructor with the project already in progress, underscoring to its belief that SSI can successfully deploy the solution, train and support shipyard personnel at high speed across relevant teams. Incat anticipates that all primary structures of its next shipbuilding projects will be developed using the SSI shipbuilding system.

“Incat has always been an innovator and once again we are demonstrating our approach to advanced technology solutions by adopting ShipConstructor to support this complex project,” said Stewart Wells, Incat Technical Manager.

“SSI demonstrated an understanding of our challenges and how to effectively manage the design, modelling and data handling processes across all departments and disciplines.”

Stewart Wells, Incat Technical Manager

“Success with complex shipbuilding projects like Hull 096 calls for smarter information sharing across the shipyard, reducing waste and costs and generating a digital twin that can sustain lifecycle operations,” said Simon Crook, Solutions Specialist, SSI.

“This contract lays the foundation for a long-term relationship between SSI and Incat and demonstrates confidence that Incat’s engineers will have success with the new tool in a production environment from day one.”

Simon Crook, SSI Solutions Specialist

Also published on:

Maritime Executive: https://maritime-executive.com/corporate/incat-selects-ssi-s-shipbuilding-solution-for-next-gen-catamaran-ferry

Marine Link: https://www.marinelink.com/news/incat-using-ssi-software-buquebus-ferry-509011

Smart Maritime Network: https://smartmaritimenetwork.com/2023/10/27/incat-adds-ssi-software-to-centralise-shipbuilding-data-management/

Offshore Energy: https://www.offshore-energy.biz/ssis-shipbuilding-solution-for-buquebus-battery-electric-ferry/

Sea News: https://seanews.co.uk/safety-security/incat-selects-ssis-shipbuilding-solution-for-next-generation-buquebus-catamaran-ferry/

Marine Log: https://www.marinelog.com/news/incat-to-use-ssi-shipbuilding-software-for-giant-buquebus-cat/

Hellenic Shipping News: https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/incat-selects-ssis-shipbuilding-solution-for-next-generation-buquebus-catamaran-ferry/

Cyprus Shipping News: https://cyprusshippingnews.com/2023/10/25/incat-selects-ssis-shipbuilding-solution-for-next-generation-buquebus-catamaran-ferry/

PortNews: https://en.portnews.ru/news/355281/


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