• 迅速なROIの実現
        • スライスされた実装と私たちの専門知識により、初日から利益を得ることができます。長期間のセットアップは必要ありません。

        • 統合し、共同作業し、再利用する
        • SSIのオープンシップビルディングプラットフォームは、船舶建造プロジェクトの将来に対応した真実の情報源を提供します。

        • 変更管理
        • 変更内容を可視化し、影響を理解し、変更を実行するために適切な情報を適切なタイミングで入手します。

        • 適応と革新
        • グローバルに分散した労働力のために、ローカルまたは仮想化された船舶建造環境を作成します。

        • 他のソリューションからの変更
        • 変更内容を把握し、影響を理解し、変更を実行するために適切な情報を適切なタイミングで入手します。

        • Nexus
        • SSI Nexusは、SSIソフトウェアのユーザー、開発者、実装者のためのコミュニティです。

        • SSI Certified Training
        • SSI MyLearningは、SSIのユーザーが詳細なトレーニング演習、教材、コース、認定をアクセスできるようにするものです。

        • SSIブログ
        • 船が建造された後の船の寿命の大部分が過ぎることを考慮すると、組織が常に船舶の明確な状況を把握していることが重要です。

          灯台波形 | 船舶建造ソリューション

        • シップコンストラクター
        • 船舶および海洋プロジェクトの設計、エンジニアリング、建設に対する包括的なソリューションラインナップ

        • エンタープライズプラットフォーム
        • 船渠内のすべてのシステムを接続し、データを共有し、情報を利用可能にするツール

        • ShipbuildingPLM
        • 唯一本当に船舶建造に特化した製品ライフサイクル管理(PLM)プラットフォームです。

        • 会社
        • SSI弊社のリーダーシップの詳細をご覧ください。

        • 場所と連絡先
        • グローバルに存在するパートナーが必要です。

        • ニュース
        • SSIと造船の最新情報

        • イベント
        • 次のイベント、カンファレンス、トレードショーに参加してください。

        • パートナー
        • プラットフォームおよび開発パートナーの詳細をご覧ください。

        • クライアント
        • SSIを信頼する業界リーダーをご覧ください。

        • キャリア
        • 造船業を可能にします。

  • 日本の造船会社のための戦略
8月 14, 2023

Modern shipbuilding is possible thanks to the detailed and rich digital twin and project model. SSI 2024 R1.1 introduces SSI Portal, a new, centralized user interface designed specifically to allow shipbuilders and designers to navigate the rich object relationships in a project. Stripping down the complexity of the model and reducing the time it takes to execute processes. 

This release also features updates to clash status changes, adds background system and model drawing updates, introduces catalog revisions, and more. Join the release webinar and see why our clients are already excited about these updates.

Join the SSI team on Aug 24th at 8 am PST (11 am EST, 5 pm CET) for a webinar first look at all the improvements now available with the release of SSI 2024.

Register Now

Detailed Enhancements

Model-based navigation with SSI Portal

SSI Portal allows for seamless navigation of the project model and acts as a window to find exactly what you are looking for. Portal removes the constraints that many design and engineering tools place on how designers and engineers visualize and interact with the 3D product model – eliminating the need to rely on drawings for navigation. 

A diverse search allows for exploration and interrogation of the model through object relationships, while also providing quick and seamless navigation to core functionality within the ShipConstructor environment. 

Highlights include: 

  • Search for a wide range of objects within the model by name, GUID, or through Load Manager. 
  • Integration into drawings to allow for objects to be loaded into the Portal directly. 
  • Quickly navigate to the relevant Product Hierarchy, Assembly, and Revisions. UDAs, Tasks, and more. 
  • Load PartViews of selected search objects for quick and lightweight visualization. 
  • Requires no knowledge of the drawing file structure within the project. 
  • Integration with ShipbuildingPLM to allow navigation to the parent PLM instance if present. 
Portal window showing relationships between objects

Bulk change clash statuses

Based on feedback from the Nexus Community Wishlist, a streamlined workflow has been created for editing of multiple Clash Statuses and UDA values from within the Clash Palette or Clash Manager.

Clash detection workflows are an important part of both the model review process as well as the modeling effort, for both designers and checkers of their work.  

Modifying single clash objects individually can be time consuming, and with the enhancements to the clash palette and clash manager, users can update the status of clashes, simply by selecting multiple list items and making the changes in bulk. 

View of the bulk change menu.

Update model and system drawings in the background 

Updating System and Model drawings is now easier and more efficient.

Running SCUPDATEMODELANDSYSTEMDRAWINGS will now recreate or update all model and system drawings using background processes, allowing the user to continue working on the current active task without interruption or down time: 

  • Leverages ShipConstructor’s Background Processing. 
  • Recreates or updates all selected model and system drawings from the database. 
  • Performs the work in the background while you work.
  • Check progress with the Background Processes Monitor. 
Background processes status window displays what is running in the background at any time.

Push stock changes from Project Item List

A one-click change of stock from the Project Item List (PIL) for equipment parts associated with PIL items. Along with Design Validation, provides a streamlined way to identify stock changes from functional design and apply all stock changes to the associated parts for an entire drawing. 

Easily select the parts the stock change should apply to.

Look up lock status

ShipConstructor users such as modelers, drafters, their leads or managers who do not have permission to lock or grant access, now have a way to see what is locked and who has access to these locked areas of the model. This will provide them with a clear picture of what their teams may need to gain access to in order to get assigned work done.  

See what is locked and when it was updated.

Track modifications to catalog items

Modifications to Structure catalog items and General objects in Manager are now tracked in revisions. With changes tracked, change management of downstream objects can point to the source of the changes in the catalog.

Expect Catalog revisions for outfitting items to follow in SSI 2024 R2. 

Updated SSI Certified Training

Accompanying this release, SSI Training now offers a formal certified training curriculum for Clashes. 

After our newly developed Clashes Training exercises was released back in May, we began working diligently on incorporating these new exercises into our SSI Training program and the Verifier software. 

Furthermore, we have also modernized two existing training courses to coincide with the latest ShipConstructor versions, including updated screenshots and instructions. Additional courses that have been revised include Hull Modeling and Pipe & HVAC Penetrations. 

These updates have been released accompanying ShipConstructor 2024 R1.1 and can be found on both the SSI Learning Downloads Nexus page and MyLearning. 

  • Hull Modeling 
  • Pipe & HVAC Penetrations 

Foundational platform upgrades

SSI 2024 now supports Windows 11.

Learn More

Register for the webinar and watch it live to see these new features and improvements in action. There’s no better way to experience what’s new for this release.

System Requirements

Supported Client Operating SystemsWindows 10, 11 (64-bit)
Supported Server Operating SystemsWindows Server 2022, 2019, 2016
.Net Framework.NET Framework 4.7 (installed automatically)
SQL ServersMS SQL Server 2022, 2019. SQL Server 2022 Express is included with the installer. Note: Express editions are suitable for projects with 5 or fewer users only.
SQL Enterprise 2019+ for WorkShare Teams
Supported AutoCAD Platforms2023 and 2022:
AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical,
AutoCAD Plant3D (for ShipConstructor P&ID Design Validation functionality of Pipe)
Supported Navisworks Versions2023 and 2022:
Navisworks Simulate, Navisworks Manage
Side-by-side Installation CompatibilityShipConstructor 2024 can be installed side-by-side with any previous major ShipConstructor version; each installed version of ShipConstructor requires its own dedicated instance of AutoCAD.

SSI Installation Guide

Access the latest ShipConstructor manual on SSI Nexus for detailed installation instructions and system requirements for this release.

Download Information

To download this release, visit the downloads section of SSI Nexus. There, you can get access to all the latest SSI releases.

Purchasing Information

For information on this release, to purchase the software, or to renew your Subscription contact an SSI Representative.


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