The Challenge
When designing and building a ship, cost management has traditionally been a slow, difficult and inaccurate process. This is problematic because inaccurate costing can negatively impact a company’s revenue reporting, not just at the project level.
To help solve this problem, the CostFact software is meant to analyze, predict and help control costs. However, like any analysis tool it requires accurate and up-to-date data, and this means it needs access to information generated during engineering and design.
The Solution
SSI’s EnterprisePlatform enables the enormous wealth of engineering information stored in ShipConstructor’s product data model (The ShipConstructor Marine Information Model or MIM), to be available to other programs such as CostFact. EnterprisePlatform automatically gathers, formats and provides transparent information when needed by end-users.
The Result
Download the full case study below to see how by linking ShipConstructor and CostFact, initial project cost estimations are based on existing as-is ShipConstructor design models and used as a basis for adapting to changes and modifications in the project to capture cost deviations early. Ultimately allowing your organization to: