ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI) has released a new version of its AutoCAD based CAD/CAM software.
ShipConstructor 2012 enables users to work in the most advanced CAD environment by adding AutoCAD 2012 compatibility. AutoCAD 2010 and 2011 are still supported but the latest version of ShipConstructor empowers users to take advantage of several new tools and improvements such as enhanced surface modeling, enhanced point cloud support for laser scanning, direct access to AutoCAD WS, and in-application access to AutoDesk Exchange.
The speed of ShipConstructor has been increased yet again. The load times for distributed system model drawings have been reduced by up to 10% and the load time for viewing distributed system part property data has been cut in half. Several new features and tweaks to the interface also enable increased productivity.
“No other shipbuilding CAD/CAM application is enhanced as frequently as ShipConstructor,” said SSI CEO Darren Larkins. “No other shipbuilding software is as easy to learn and use.”
ShipConstructor 2012 New Features
- AutoCAD 2012 Support – Support for the latest version of AutoCAD tools for enhanced 3D design, model documentation and collaboration.
- Enhanced Offset Construction Lines – Addition of geometrical constraints to individual offset construction lines without losing parametric associatively with source geometry.
- Enhanced Endcuts – Reduced number of endcut definitions required to populate a catalog with industry standard endcuts.
- One-Step Package and Deploy Project – Quickly create isolated versions of the entire ShipConstructor project for archiving or transferring.
- Side-by-side Installation – Now supported with ShipConstructor 2008, 2009, and 2011.
- Increased Speed – Load times of distributed system drawings have been significantly reduced.
For more information see the release review document: Introducing ShipConstructor 2012
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