It’s been called “Getting in the Groove”, “Finding Flow”, or “Getting Wired In”. What these terms describe is a state of total focus on the task at hand with nothing to disrupt or distract you from accomplishing your goal. This state of optimum productivity is promoted by the new features found in the latest release of SSI’s shipbuilding CAD/CAM software, ShipConstructor 2016 R2 along with SSI’s information sharing tool, EnterprisePlatform.
Creating Clarity
These new features are designed to give you intuitive understanding of what you need to know by supplying crucial information in the context of natural and efficient workflows.
Less “Cognitive Switching”
To accomplish this, SSI has re-engineered workflows to reduce or eliminate “cognitive switching”. In other words, new features in the software increase the ability for a user to stay on-task without having to interrupt their train of thought by switching to a different screen or menu to adjust settings or to determine the impact of various actions.
Getting things done
In summary, the focus of the enhancements in ShipConstructor 2016 R2 is on letting designers design, engineers engineer and modelers model. The goal is to help you get things done.
Find out for yourself
See how ShipConstructor 2016 R2 and SSI EnterprisePlatform actually promote focus & clarity.