Software, services, and expertise for the business of shipbuilding.

        • Achieve a Quick ROI
        • Sliced implementations and our expertise means a benefit from day one, without a lengthy setup.

        • Integrate, Collaborate, Re-use
        • SSI’s Open Shipbuilding Platform gives you a future-proof source of truth for your shipbuilding projects.

        • Change Management
        • Get visibility into changes, understand the impacts, and have the right information at the right time to execute the change.

        • Adapt and Innovate
        • Create a local or virtualized shipbuilding environment for your global distributed workforce.

        • Changing from Another Solution
        • SSI makes it easy to switch from other platforms and keep your existing data.

        • Design
        • The most significant opportunities to impact the cost of building and operating a ship are found in the design and engineering phase.

          Initial Design  |  Basic Design  |  Detailed Design

        • Build
        • Even a smaller shipbuilding project is immense in scope and scale. Manage the challenges that are unique to ship construction.

          Prepare  |  Fabricate  |  Assemble

        • Maintain
        • With the majority of a ship’s life taking place after it’s been built, it’s crucial to ensure that the organization has a clear picture of the vessel at all times.

          Digital Twin  |  Repair / Refit  |  Operations

        • Nexus
        • SSI Nexus is a community for users, creators, & implementers of SSI software.

        • SSI Certified Training
        • SSI Certified Training allows SSI users to access detailed training exercises, materials, courses, and certifications.

        • SSI Blogs
        • The SSI blogs are your place to get insights from our CEO into the intersection of shipbuilding and technology, see how shipbuilding is moving forward, and keep up with SSI news.

          Lighthouse Waveform  |  Shipbuilding Solutions

        • ShipConstructor
        • A complete line of solutions for the design, engineering, and construction of ships and offshore projects.

        • EnterprisePlatform
        • Tools to connect and share data across every system in the shipyard and make information available.

        • ShipbuildingPLM
        • The only truly shipbuilding-specific product lifecycle management (PLM) platform.

        • Company
        • Learn more about SSI and our leadership.

        • Locations & Contact
        • You need a partner with a global presence.

        • News
        • The latest on SSI and shipbuilding.

        • Events
        • Join us at our next event, conference, or trade show.

        • Partners
        • Learn more about our Platform and Development Partners.

        • Clients
        • See the industry leaders who trust SSI.

        • Careers
        • Help us make the business of shipbuilding possible.

October 20, 2017
SSI News

After the enthusiastic response to their joint presentations at the May BARI-SHIP Maritime Fair in Imabari, Japan, the software companies SSI and Aras will be holding a seminar and reception on the Future of Japanese Shipbuilding. The event will be held in Tokyo on November 24 and is co-hosted by the Embassy of Canada.

After the enthusiastic response to their joint presentations at the May BARI-SHIP Maritime Fair in IMABARI, Japan, the software companies SSI and Aras will be holding a seminar and reception on the Future of Japanese Shipbuilding. The event will be held in Tokyo on November 24 and is co-hosted by the Embassy of Canada.

The Japanese Shipbuilding industry recognizes that success in the future depends on the adoption of 3D in ship design and engineering. In conjunction, continued integration with other software tools is a requirement for all shipyards. Experts in the business of shipbuilding, from SSI, Aras, and the Laboratory of Practical Technology will be offering presentations on this topic followed by a networking reception.

About SSI

SSI develops Autodesk based solutions for the shipbuilding and offshore industry including: ShipConstructor software, an AutoCAD based CAD/CAM product line; and EnterprisePlatform, a tool for sharing product data model information. SSI solutions take advantage of the native DWG platform and the global pools of experience provided by the world’s most popular CAD platform.

SSI et Aras tiennent un séminaire à l’ambassade du Canada à Tokyo


24 octobre 2017 

Après la réponse enthousiaste à leurs présentations conjointes à la Foire maritime BARI-SHIP mai à Imabari, les sociétés de logiciels SSI et Aras organiseront un séminaire et la réception sur l’avenir de la construction navale japonaise. L’événement aura lieu à Tokyo le 24 Novembre et est co-organisé par l’ambassade du Canada.

L’industrie japonaise de la construction navale reconnaît que le succès à l’avenir dépend de l’adoption de la 3D dans la conception et l’ingénierie des navires. En même temps, l’ l’intégration continue avec d’ autres outils logiciels est une exigence pour tous les chantiers navals. Experts dans le secteur de la construction navale, de SSI , Aras et le Laboratoire de la technologie pratique proposeront des présentations sur ce sujet suivi d’une réception de réseautage.

 À propos de SSI

SSI développe des solutions basées sur Autodesk pour la construction navale et l’industrie offshore, notamment: le logiciel ShipConstructor, une gamme de produits CAD/CAM basée sur AutoCAD; et EnterprisePlatform, un outil de partage d’informations sur le modèle de données produit. Les solutions SSI tirent parti de la plate-forme DWG native et d’expérience fournis par la plate-forme CAD la plus populaire au monde.








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