Anytime you see a big freighter, most likely, at least part of it was designed with ShipConstructor. That is because the majority of the world’s large container ships are equipped with a rudder solution designed in ShipConstructor software by SSI client Becker Marine Systems.

Guinness World Record Holder
This includes the 100 square meter rudder blade and trunk for the recently completed CSCL Globe which, with its space for 19 000 standard containers, is now the Guinness World Record holder for the largest container ship in the world.

ShipConstructor Usage
The work on the CSCL Globe is a good example of how ShipConstructor was utilized by Becker Marine Systems.
Becker used ShipConstructor software to do the CAM work for the plate parts of the rudder blade and trunk. The surfaces of the parts, which were originally modeled in SolidWorks, were taken over into the ShipConstructor Hull module. From there, in Hull, Becker separated the curved and flat parts to make the expansion which created the flat parts in Structure drawings.
In the Structure drawings, they then added marklines, bevels, green material, text bending and bending template parts etc. They then exported nest drawings in dxf (NC Pyros Export), including beveling templates and reports.
SSI is proud to be a part of Becker’s success in the industry; Becker products have been installed on over 7000 vessels worldwide.