Have you seen the September issue of Shipping World & Shipbuilder Magazine? In it is an article which features Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG), an SSI client and ShipConstructor CAD/CAM software user.

Have you seen the September issue of Shipping World & Shipbuilder Magazine? In it is an article which features Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG), an SSI client and ShipConstructor CAD/CAM software user.
Elliott Bay Design Group offers naval architecture, marine engineering and production support services to owners, operators and shipyards.
The article talks about how EBDG “especially appreciated” ShipConstructor’s Split & Merge module (now called WorkShare Project) for distributed work. EBDG Vice President of Shipyard Services Mike Complita is quoted as saying that, “This allows us greater flexibility to enlist support from our other offices and from subcontracting firms that offer similar services.”
Complita then goes on to note other things about ShipConstructor such as, “It’s also more cost effective than other production detailing programs.”
Additionally, he echoes a point about ShipConstructor that was noted in a recent press release regarding Jako Laubscher of Six Sigma Naval Architects. Complita says, “The software is AutoCAD based, which makes it easier for us to find and train staff.”
The widespread popularity of AutoCAD is further highlighted in a different section of the magazine article. The magazine mentions another company that does not use ShipConstructor but that still relies on AutoCAD for part of its process. Regarding that other company, the article says, “For basic and approval design, the yard uses 2D AutoCAD software from Autodesk…” This is consistent with a recent study which found that 90% of the shipbuilding industry already uses Autodesk products to some degree. Based on that fact, it makes sense to adopt the SSI/Autodesk solution for shipbuilding. Autodesk has many CAD/CAM products that can be helpful for all aspects of shipbuilding and the supply chain.
CAD/CAM applications just keep getting better. Complita notes that, “Four of five years ago, I could not have imagined the advancements in the tools we are using today. I expect the same will be true in the years to come. I hear advancements are being made in 3D visualization and touch screen technology…”
He is right that massive advancements are being made. And as Laubscher noted in the previously mentioned press release regarding Six Sigma Naval Architects, SSI and Autodesk have been leading the way.
Laubscher says, “…I identified SSI’s ShipConstructor as not only having the critical Autodesk integration but also as having developed at a much faster rate than the competitors.”
This development continues. Too see how the SSI and Autodesk solutions can help your company please register for the free SSI and Autodesk Webinar on Dec. 9.